May 15, 2022

Set Default Enable Subsection Prerequisite on Open edX

Activities, Android Developer, Ansible, Apache2, Atlassian, Ayo Belajar Linux, Bestpath Network, BLC Telkom Klaten, BSD, Caddy Server, Case Study, Cisco, Cisco Indonesia, Cloud Computing, Cockpit, Custom Weapons, Docker, E-Learning, Engenius, Error, FreeBSD, FreeBSD Indonesia, Komunitas Pengguna Linux Indonesia, KPLI Bulukumba, KPLI Klaten, Lets Encrypt, Linux, MacOS, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft SQL Server, MikroTik, MikroTik Indonesia, MySQL, Nginx, Open edX, OpenSID, Others, PHP, phpMyAdmin, PostgreSQL, Proxmox, Python, Redash, Sendy, SSH, Stories, Subnetting, TP-Link, Ubiquiti, Unix, Virtualization, Windows, X-Mosque, Faizar Septiawan, Icar, siBunglonGanteng, Orang Ganteng, siBunglonLabs, Programmer, SysAdmin, Site Reliability Engineer, Developer, Palugada, Makassar, Ganteng, Gila, Cyclist, Panglima, Setan, Panglima Setan, sibunglon, Ganteng

By default, Timed Exams feature not yet active when create a new courses. But this configuration can be override, for example want to set active or enable Timed Exams feature when create a new courses. Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Open edX server console.

  2. Open and edit file /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/

  3. Find the following codes snippet:

        enable_subsection_gating = Boolean(
            display_name=_("Enable Subsection Prerequisites"),
                "Enter true or false. If this value is true, you can hide a "
                "subsection until learners earn a minimum score in another, "
                "prerequisite subsection."
  4. Then update the code, change part default=False from False to True. See the following codes snippet:

        enable_subsection_gating = Boolean(
            display_name=_("Enable Subsection Prerequisites"),
                "Enter true or false. If this value is true, you can hide a "
                "subsection until learners earn a minimum score in another, "
                "prerequisite subsection."
  5. Restart LMS and CMS services.