December 19, 2020

Extract SSL Certificate and SSL Certificate Key From .PFX File

A pfx file is password protected certificate archive which contains your certificate and the private key.

  • domain.tld.key The private decrypted RSA key file for the certificate. (ssl_certificate_key)
  • domain.tld.crt The certificate file for the domain
  • bundle.crt The certificate file for the issuer
  • domain.tld.chained.crt The concatted file which consists of domain.tld.crt and bundle.crt (ssl_certificate)

Get the .key file

Extract the encrypted key using:

openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -nocerts -out domain.tld.encrypted.key

Decrypt the encrypted key using:

openssl rsa -in domain.tld.encrypted.key -out domain.tld.key

Delete the domain.tld.encrypted.key file since we won’t need it.

Get the .crt file

Get your domain certificate using:

openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out domain.tld.crt

Get your CA certificate using:

openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -cacerts -out bundle.crt

Concat the 2 .crt files into a chained.crt:

cat domain.tld.crt bundle.crt > domain.tld.chained.crt

Delete the bundle.crt and domain.tld.crt files.


You can use domain.tld.chained.crt as SSL certificate file and domain.tld.key as SSL certificate key file.
