July 13, 2019

Open edX Error Create Service Worker Users

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Error Create Service Worker Users When Installing Open edX

In the previous article or that is here, there was a quick acquaintance session with Open edX while playing with Open edX (Open edX installation).

I myself had an error when installing Open EdX, the error was the same as in the title of this article which failed to make service worker users. I was made confused by this error, even with this error I repeatedly did the Open edX installation process. If I’m not mistaken, in 2 days I could make a new VM up to 8 times for the Open edX installation but it never worked too.

Because I have been unable to solve this error myself, I just had the intention to ask my friend. It doesn’t take long after asking him, the error can be solved.

Oh yeah, the error I mean can be seen on the Pastebin Ubuntu page. I installed it there. This error may occur only on VMs on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), VMs that are on the Google Cloud Platform usually have boto configuration. Therefore if you use a VM on Google Cloud Platform, before installing Open edX, please delete the existing boto configuration using the command sudo rm -rf /etc/boto.cfg. After the boto configuration file is deleted, then the Open edX installation process is done.

Thank you Dwi Sulfahnur for helping.